Parliamentary activity

House documents

A ladder leaning over a shelf full of red leather-bound books in a library

Use this page to find the Parliament's historical minutes and notice papers. These documents are bound into volumes at regular intervals and are published here.

For the most recent documents use the house documents search.

PDF versions of the bound volumes of the Council's Minutes of the Proceedings for the entire history of the Legislative Council have been digitised and are available here. The PDFs are fully searchable. [Note from 1856 to 1890, Minutes of the Proceedings were called Votes and Proceedings]

60th Parliament

Weekly minutes for 20 December 2022 to 28 November 2024.

At the end of each Parliament, the Assembly's Votes and Proceedings are bound into volumes. The volumes include each day's Votes, an index, the minutes of any joint sittings, and lists of members and committees. The 'consolidated Votes' for the current and recent Parliaments are also available here. That includes only the finalised Votes and Proceedings from that Parliament combined into one pdf for easy searching.

60th Parliament

20 December 2022 - current

59th Parliament

19 December 2018 to 1 November 2022

Historically, Assembly notice papers were bound into a volume each year or parliamentary session. This page includes digitised copies of those volumes. For more recent years, the pdfs of the notice papers are combined into a 'volume' per year.

59th Parliament

19 December 2018 to 1 November 2022

54th Parliament

3 November 1999 to 5 November 2002

36th Parliament

28 November 1945 to 9 October 1947

4th Parliament

28 November 1864 to 11 December 1865

3rd Parliament

30 August 1861 to 25 August 1864

1st Parliament

21 November 1856 to 9 August 1859

The first Legislative Council

From 1851 to 1856, Victoria had only one legislative body, the first Legislative Council, which held its proceedings at St Patrick's Hall in Bourke Street Melbourne.

The records of the first Legislative Council originally contained multiple volumes for each session. The first volume contains the minutes (Votes and Proceedings) and an index and is published here. Any subsequent volumes included various reports and papers presented in that session. Those reports and papers are listed in the index but you can find them in the parliamentary papers database.