Find questions and responses
Questions database
Search the questions database for responses to:
- Questions on notice: written requests for information, asked by members to ministers
- Constituency questions: questions about a member's own electorate
- Adjournment matters: issues raised during the adjournment debate which require a written response
- Questions without notice: questions raised during question time (use database only for those which require a written response)
Hansard have all questions asked and responses verbally given in the House. This includes:
- Questions without notice asked during question time
- Constituency questions asked
- Adjournment matters raised
Information for departments
Ministers and ministers representing list
This list has all the ministerial portfolios and representing portfolios in both Houses.
When are responses due?
Asked in Assembly | Asked in Council | |
Questions on notice | 30 days | 30 days |
Questions without notice | - | 1 or 2 days* |
Constituency questions | 30 days | 14 days |
Adjournment matters | 30 days | 30 days |
* A written response may be required for a question without notice asked in the Council. If the question was directed to a Council minister's portfolio the response is due within one business day and to an Assembly minister's portfolio within two business days.
How do I provide a response?
Email matching word and pdf files of a response to assembly@parliament.vic.gov.au or council@parliament.vic.gov.au.
What must a response include?All responses should identify the House (Council or Assembly), question type and question number.
The pdf must be signed by a minister.
We can accept a response signed by any minister, even if they were not the minister that the matter was directed to.
We will process the response and the matter will be considered answered.
If you realise there is an error in a response you have sent us, please get in contact and we can talk you through your options.
If a question is showing as 'unanswered' on the questions database then a response is required.
New questions database webpage
Use this guide to help you get the most from the new questions database webpage.