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The two houses
Creativity for a healthy future
Rate cap a big concern for councils
First Peoples of Victoria honoured at Parliament
Parliament House reflects the wealth and ambitions of 19th century Victoria. Building began in 1856 and remains unfinished to this day.
The Legislative Council Chamber was finished in November 1856. It was built in nine months by 400 labourers.
The Legislative Assembly Chamber was finished in November 1856. It was fully refurbished in 2003, with new chairs replacing old bench seating.
The parliamentary library was completed in 1861. It continues as a fully functional library used by members of Parliament and staff.
Queen's Hall was completed in 1879. Originally called ‘The Grand Hall’ or ‘The Great Hall’, it was renamed in 1887 to celebrate Queen Victoria’s golden jubilee.
The vestibule was completed in 1879. These days it is usually filled with visitors and schoolchildren, ready to be taken on a tour or attend a meeting.
Explore this historically significant building, while learning more about the role, history and work of the Parliament.
Take an online stroll through Victoria's iconic Parliament House, one of Australia's oldest and most architecturally distinguished public buildings.