Accepting submissions | The Committee is accepting submissions until 31 March 2025.

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That this House requires the Legal and Social Issues Committee inquire into, consider and report by December 2025 on:

(a) the rationale and cost modelling for the decision to demolish and redevelop the 44 high-rise public housing buildings and associated sites (‘the plan’), including alternatives to demolition, such as refurbishment and renovation;

(b) the impact of the plan, including the compulsory relocation and displacement of public housing residents on the future net availability of public community housing and the existing decanting plans and the department estimates on the number of people who will permanently leave the area being developed;

(c) the findings and adequacy of consultations with:

(i) public housing tower residents and their representatives;

(ii) relevant local stakeholders, such as health, community and education service providers, residents and councils;

(iii) state and federal government departments and agencies;

(d) the efficacy of the proposed financial, legal and project delivery models (including the ground lease model) to be used for the plan, versus alternative models to improve and increase the number of public and community homes on the sites in question and in Victoria;

(e) building standards for the developments, including whether there will be the same standards for public, community and private housing;

(f) how different development and ownership models will be integrated within each site to enhance community integration and achieve a diversity of tenants;

(g) the likely impacts of the plan on:

(i) the number of bedrooms currently at each location versus the proposed number of new bedrooms per site;

(ii) the number of public and community housing homes at each location and how remaining public land will be used;

(iii) the Victorian Housing Register and homelessness while the plan is being delivered;

(iv) the future of public housing in Victoria; and

(h) any other related matters.

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Parliament of Victoria
Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street
