Thursday, 23 June 2022

Members statements

Multicultural communities

Multicultural communities

Mr ONDARCHIE: On another matter, we have to increase the value that we see in our multicultural communities, and I will take the opportunity today to congratulate a wonderful member for Eastern Victoria Region, Ms Cathrine Burnett-Wake, for her leadership, for her foresight and for the work that she does in multicultural communities right across Eastern Victoria Region. I have had the privilege of meeting many of those communities with Ms Burnett-Wake in recent times, and I have to say not only in her time as an MP but prior to that in her private practice before becoming an MP, she has supported multicultural communities right across Melbourne. I think she is a real asset to this chamber, I think she is a real asset to the Parliament and I congratulate her on her leadership, her advocacy and her strong work for multicultural communities in Victoria.