Thursday, 23 June 2022


Growing Suburbs Fund

Growing Suburbs Fund

Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (17:45): (2016) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Local Government, and the action that I seek is for the Victorian government to increase investment in the Growing Suburbs Fund and commit to the long-term delivery of $75 million per year over the next four years. Hume city is one of Australia’s fastest growing cities and is currently home to more than 257 000 residents, and it is expected to reach over 394 000 residents by 2041. The Victorian government’s Growing Suburbs Fund is vital in delivering community infrastructure for a city that is growing as quickly as Hume.

Since its inception in 2015 the Growing Suburbs Fund has been vital in delivering millions of dollars in funding for Hume infrastructure. Through the fund the council has partnered with the Victorian government to support and deliver sports facilities, integrated community centres and play spaces in Hume’s growth areas when our community has needed it. The projects supported by the Growing Suburbs Fund all have a common goal: they are ensuring better access to facilities that can help improve health, wellbeing and social outcomes for all our residents in Hume growth areas. The fund has already helped deliver much-needed community infrastructure, such as Sunbury’s Hume Global Learning Centre, the Craigieburn inclusive play space Livvi’s Place, the Kalkallo North community centre and the redevelopment of Sunbury’s John McMahon Reserve. Other projects to receive funding include a community centre and play space upgrades.

These funded projects ensure a more livable Hume and reflect how vital the fund is for the community, which continues to grow. As Hume city continues to grow, council cannot meet the needs of its community on its own and requires a long-term commitment that the Victorian government will support the Growing Suburbs Fund. Additionally, the Victorian government’s decision to include peri-urban councils in the fund has resulted in a dilution of funds for councils in the interface. More funding is needed to address this, and I do hope that this government makes Hume and my outer metropolitan councils a priority.