Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Members statements

Glenn ‘Dutchy’ Holland APM

Glenn ‘Dutchy’ Holland APM

Mr GRIMLEY (Western Victoria)

Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September 2021:

I rise today to congratulate Sergeant Glenn ‘Dutchy’ Holland on being awarded the Australian Police Medal as part of this year’s Queen’s Birthday honours.

Dutchy has been in the Victoria Police for 20 years. He has worked on the front line of operational policing and seen firsthand the impact this can have on the mental health of police members. He has also seen the long waiting periods for treatment and the self-harming by victims of post-traumatic stress injury.

In 2015 he initiated the Fighting PTSD VicPol campaign. Since then, Dutchy has raised over $140 000 for the cause. He has worked closely with police command and community groups to directly support current members, past members and many partners who have been left behind by those who didn’t survive PTSD.

I have spoken in this place before about Dutchy’s work in combatting this issue. Mental health for police is an area close to my heart, having witnessed horrific crime scenes, assaults on my colleagues and other highly stressful situations in my own time as a police officer.

Dutchy has taken a once maligned issue to one of acceptance and support. I am sure all in this place will join me in congratulating Dutchy on this recognition of his great service to the community.