Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Constituency questions

Western Metropolitan Region

Western Metropolitan Region

Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (12:13): (1848) My question is to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change in the other place from a resident in Sunshine North. Will the minister consider any further action against the Barro Group and additional measures to ensure that the fires are extinguished by the deadline? In late 2019 the Kealba landfill caught fire and has continued to burn. The Barro Group has continually failed to meet the deadline set by the EPA to extinguish the fire. The EPA suspended their licence in September last year, but they have once again extended the deadline. Now the Barro Group has until the end of August. Residents have endured the smoke, the dust and the toxic smells from this fire for 2½ years. They deserve better than this. When will the EPA or this government help stop this fire in Kealba?