Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Members statements
Black Dog Ride
Black Dog Ride
Tim McCURDY (Ovens Valley) (16:00): The Wangaratta Black Dog Ride is coming up on Sunday 19 March. As a motorbike rider myself, I always look forward to the Black Dog Ride to show my support for depression and suicide prevention. Mayor of the Rural City of Wangaratta Dean Rees will be joining me and the many, many others who converge on Wangaratta to take part. Kurt Dissegna is the coordinator, and I dip my lid to his hard work and effort. I will again be riding a Harley, but let me assure you if there are any other bikes, colours or models that want to join us – ride your Vespa if you want to be part of it. If you cannot ride, at least spend the 30 bucks, show your support and join us for the barbecue.