Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Members statements
Ripon electorate public transport
Ripon electorate public transport
Martha HAYLETT (Ripon) (16:16): Rural and regional Victorians deserve their fair share of public transport options, and that is why I am so proud that the Andrews Labor government is getting on with expanding access right across Ripon. We are making V/Line fares equal to metropolitan Melbourne’s by capping a daily full-fare ticket at $9.20 and $4.60 for concession from 31 March, and across the network the Labor government will add almost 200 extra weekend services on major train lines in regional Victoria. This includes five additional weekend return services on the Ararat line. We have already delivered four new additional weekend rail services for Maryborough too. I was lucky enough to be on the first extra service to Ballarat on 4 December with Central Goldfields Shire mayor Grace La Vella, Cr Chris Meddows-Taylor and Rail Revival Alliance president Noel Laidlaw.
We have also delivered more bus services across our growing outer areas of Ballarat, with a new bus service linking Cardigan Village and Lucas kids with their local schools and a new bus route linking Smythesdale, Haddon, Smythes Creek and Snake Valley to Delacombe town centre. The Andrews Labor government is getting on with improving our rural and regional transport network, and there is more to do. I cannot wait to get to work.