Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Members statements

Gippsland South electorate neighbourhood houses

Gippsland South electorate neighbourhood houses

Mr D O’BRIEN (Gippsland South) (12:47): I want to pay tribute to the volunteers and staff at our neighbourhood houses throughout Gippsland South for all the work they do to help our local community. Last week I visited Wurruk neighbourhood house, where coordinator Sarah Bardsley and board member Sandra Houghton showed me around. Wurruk runs a series of programs for locals in the community, including a well-utilised food bank, children’s engagement programs and many others. From running small training offerings to providing material support for those in need and access to government services in smaller towns and offering a general place for the community to drop in and socialise, our neighbourhood houses play an important role in the community, particularly for those less well off. So many volunteers put in the hours to support their fellow citizens, and I am yet to meet a coordinator who does not put in hours well above what they are paid. To all the neighbourhood houses across Gippsland South, I say thank you.