Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Constituency questions

Forest Hill electorate

Forest Hill electorate

Mr ANGUS (Forest Hill) (14:48): (6394) My constituency question is to the Minister for Health. Minister, how many nurses, midwives, doctors, physiotherapists, other medical staff, cleaners, orderlies and other staff have been sacked or resigned from the Victorian health system due to either not being vaccinated for COVID-19 or not disclosing their vaccine status? I continue to be contacted by residents who have lost their jobs in the health system as a result of the vaccine mandates. I have also heard from people who are still working in the health system and are dismayed at the current staff shortages and the consequent extra pressure being experienced by them. As we have heard today in question time, it is now obvious to all Victorians that the health system is failing, with almost daily reports of patients suffering as a result of the overload of the system and overworked staff. Staff within the health system continue to do an outstanding job under very challenging conditions. Sadly they have been let down by a government that refuses to adopt and reimplement the infection control systems that were in place in the Victorian health system prior to any COVID-19 vaccine being available. The government could address some of the current pressures in the health system by simply removing the vaccine mandates and reinstating the previous infection control measures.