Report Tabled
Under s 33(3) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 (Vic) the Committee inquire into, consider and report by no later than 30 November 2024 on the 2022-23 Annual Reports of the Department of Health and VicHealth regarding Victorian tobacco and e-cigarette controls, including:
- Trends in vaping and tobacco use and the associated financial, health, social and environmental impacts on the Victorian community
- The causes and repercussions of the illicit tobacco and e-cigarette industry in Victoria including impacts on the Victorian justice system, and effective control options
- The adequacy of the State and Commonwealth legislation, regulatory and administrative frameworks to minimise tobacco and e-cigarette harm experienced in the community and control illicit trade compared to other Australian and international jurisdictions
- The effectiveness of current public health measures to prevent and reduce the harm of tobacco use and vaping in Victoria and potential reforms
- Any other related matters.

Report presented to Parliament
Tobacco smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disease in Victoria, and a key driver of social inequalities in health. This harm has been exacerbated by the growth of the illicit tobacco and vape markets and recent uptake of vaping by vulnerable groups including young people. At its centrepiece, the Committee recommends the establishment of a Victorian nicotine licencing scheme and active regulatory authority sitting within the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
Tabled in Parliament on the 29 August 2024, the report makes 47 findings and 27 recommendations. The Committee recommends the development of nicotine cessation support in schools, compulsory tobacco and vaping education in primary schools, support for new public health campaigns and increased enforcement powers for authorities.
To discover more, please check out the report.

Snapshot of inquiry
The Public Accounts and Estimates Committee evaluated the effectiveness of efforts to prevent and reduce the harm of tobacco use and vaping. The inquiry investigated the associated financial, health, social and environmental effects of tobacco and e-cigarette use on the wider community.
The Committee tabled the final report on 29 August.
Its final public hearing was held on 15 July. It heard from a wide range of stakeholders including tobacco companies, academics, criminologists, students and health experts. You can read the full record of that hearing using the below link.
Tobacco licensing recommended
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Key agencies at hearing on vaping and tobacco controls
The parliamentary inquiry into vaping and tobacco controls heard from a range of policing, customs, justice and health authorities at a hearing
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Public Accounts and Estimates Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street
03 8682 2867