What's been happening in committees
14 July 2022

The Victorian parliament operates 16 committees that are formed of members from one or both houses of parliament. This overview provides an insight into the diverse range of issues and activities that the committees have been involved in recently.
Committees hold inquiries into particular issues and call for input from the wider community. Some committees are focused on particular subject areas, while others oversee the operations of parliament.
The details for each committee includes a brief overview, a link to the specific committee's webpage and selected highlights from one of the committee's recent inquiries, with links to the submissions, public hearings, and where applicable, the committee report.
Parliamentary committees
Legislative Assembly committees
Economy and Infrastructure
The committee inquires into any issues referred by the Legislative Assembly related to education and training, the economy, jobs, regions and transport.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Inquiry into Victorian universities’ investment in skills
This inquiry is examining how Victorian universities can play a greater role in directing their own investment to support the pipeline of skilled workers. There will be a focus on working towards a clean economy and regional skills in the areas of health, agriculture and community services.
Read the submissions and transcripts from the public hearings here
The committee is in the process of writing its final report.
Environment and Planning
The Committee can examine any matters connected with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and its related agencies.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Inquiry into apartment design standards
Hundreds of thousands of Victorians live in apartments. It is vital we have design standards that ensure high liveability, including accessibility to private open space, windows and natural ventilation. The inquiry is investigating the potential for better apartment design standards, including an examination of initiatives undertaken by other states or nations.
Read the submissions and transcripts from the public hearings here.
The reporting date for this inquiry is 31 August 2022.
Legal and Social Issues
The Committee can examine any matters connected with the following departments and their related agencies:
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Inquiry into support for older Victorians from migrant and refugee backgrounds
The inquiry has been looking at ways to improve the overall physical and mental health and wellbeing of older Victorians from migrant and refugee backgrounds. This includes an examination of current Victorian support services and recommendations for improvement.
Older Victorians face many challenges, including social isolation, civic participation, digital literacy, elder abuse, dementia and access to aged care and home care services. These challenges can be particularly difficult for those with a migrant or refugee background.
Read the submissions and transcripts from the public hearings here.
The report is due to be tabled in parliament soon.
The Privileges Committee examines and reports to the Legislative Assembly on possible breaches of Parliamentary privilege.
In addition, the Committee examines applications from citizens who wish to exercise their right of reply.
Read about the committee’s work here.
Standing Orders
The Standing Orders Committee reviews the standing orders (procedural rules) of the Legislative Assembly and makes recommendations for change.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Two reports have been tabled in the last two years:
- Report on procedures for joint sittings under section 165AU of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008
- Report on e-petitions, responding to statements made in the Legislative Council and supplementary questions
Legislative Council committees
Economy and Infrastructure
The committee can examine any matters connected with the following departments and their related agencies:
- Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Department of Transport
- Department of Education and Training
- Department of Treasury and Finance.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Inquiry into the Closure of the Hazlewood and Yallourn Power Stations
The committee has been investigating the impact of the closure of the Hazelwood and Yallourn Power Stations and the effect this will have on the economy and jobs of the Latrobe Valley. The inquiry looked at how the Latrobe Valley Authority can help the region transition to a new era of energy generation.
Read the committee report here.
The committee submitted their final report and is now awaiting a response from the government.
Environment and Planning
The functions of the Environment and Planning Committee are to inquire into and report on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with the arts, environment and planning the use, development and protection of land.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Inquiry into the Protections within the Victorian Planning Framework
The inquiry has examined the adequacy of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Victorian planning framework. In particular, the Committee sought community views on:
- the high cost of housing in the context of the planning system
- environmental sustainability and vegetation protection within the planning framework
- delivering certainty and fairness in planning decisions for communities
- protecting heritage in Victoria.
Read more details about the committee inquiry here.
The committee is currently drafting their final report and will be tabled in parliament soon.
Legal and Social Issues
The committee can examine any matters connected with the following departments and their related agencies:
- Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
- Department of Health
- Department of Justice and Community Safety.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Inquiry into extremism in Victoria
The inquiry has examined the rise of right-wing extremism in Victoria. Amongst other things, the inquiry will hear evidence on:
- reasons for the rise of right-wing extremism
- recruitment and communication methods of extremist groups
- the risks posed to multicultural communities, politicians and public figures
- ways to counter far-right extremist groups and their influence.
Read more about the committee inquiry here.
The committee is currently drafting their final report and will be tabled in parliament soon.
The committee examines and reports to the Legislative Council on possible breaches of Parliamentary privilege.
Read more about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Appointment of a Parliamentary Integrity Adviser
The committee made a recommendation for the appointment of a Parliamentary Integrity Adviser.
Read the report on the appointment of an advisor here.
The committee considers any matter regarding the practices and procedures of the Legislative Council and makes recommendations for change.
Read about the committee’s work here
Joint committees
Electoral Matters
The committee can examine the way elections are conducted and the laws governing elections. This includes elections for state Parliament, referendums, and local council elections.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Inquiry into the impact of social media on elections and electoral administration
The committee report was tabled in parliament on 14 September 2021. The government produced a detailed response to the Electoral Matters Committee, supporting in principle many of the recommendations that were directed specifically to the government, with action mostly pending advice from the Victorian Electoral Commission, the Department of Justice and Community Safety, and Acts from other jurisdictions.
Read more details about the committee inquiry here.
Integrity and Oversight
The Committee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the performance of the following agencies:
- Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
- The Victorian Ombudsman (VO)
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC)
- The Victorian Inspectorate (VI)
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Performance of Victorian integrity agencies 2020/21: Focus on witness welfare
As part of the committee’s inquiry into the performance of Victorian integrity agencies, the committee sort submissions on the following terms of reference:
- The experiences of witnesses and others involved in Victorian integrity agency investigations…
- The legal framework bearing on integrity agencies’ management of the welfare of witnesses and others involved in Victorian integrity agency investigations…
- The effectiveness of Victorian integrity agencies’ policies, procedures and information relating to the management of the welfare of witnesses and others involved in agencies’ investigations.
- The effectiveness of Victorian integrity agencies’ practices regarding the management of the welfare of witnesses and others involved in agencies’ investigations…
- The best practice principles for the management of the welfare of witnesses and others involved in integrity agency investigations, and whether Victorian integrity agencies are meeting the standard of those best practice principles.
- Overall, how Victorian integrity agencies’ management of the welfare of witnesses and others involved in agencies’ investigations might be improved.
Details on the public submissions and committee hearings can be found here.
The committee is in the process of writing its final report.
Pandemic Declaration Accountability and Oversight
The Committee reviews pandemic orders and other instruments made by the Minister for Health This includes any declared pandemics that may occur in the future.
The Committee may recommend that a pandemic order (or parts of an order) be disallowed or suspended. It also reviews the orders to ensure they are compatible with the human rights set out in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Review of Pandemic Orders
On 26 April 2022 the committee sent a questionnaire to Victorian public and private hospitals. The questions inquired as to how the hospitals had managed and implemented visitor restrictions under the Visitors to Hospitals and Care Facilities Orders.
Responses to the questionnaires as well as details from the public hearings can be found here.
The committee is in the process of writing its final report.
Public Accounts and Estimates
The committee produces reports that promote public sector reform and accountability.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: Inquiry into the 2022-23 budget estimates
Each year around May, the Government tables the budget papers and the Appropriation Bills in the Parliament. The budget papers include estimated projections of government revenue over the forward estimates (three years) and expenditure for the next financial year.
Questionnaires were provided to a number of government departments. Responses to the questionnaires as well as transcripts from the public hearings can be found here
The committee is in the process of writing its final report.
Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations
The Committee’s major areas of responsibility include:
- scrutiny of bills introduced into Parliament
- scrutiny of regulations
- review of redundant, unclear or ambiguous legislation.
Read about the committee’s work here.
What's been happening: The committee examines every bill that is introduced into either house of parliament. Depending on the contents of a bill the committee may comment or seek clarification from the Minister or Member on the provisions and report these to the parliament in a report known as an Alert Digest.
See the full list of Alert Digests for bills passed this year here.
Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution Committee works to resolve disputes between the two Houses, where a bill has passed the Legislative Assembly but failed to pass the Legislative Council. If the committee cannot reach a resolution, or does not meet, the bill will become deadlocked. It can be reintroduced to the parliament. This committee was established under the Constitution Act 1975.
Read about the committee’s work here.
There are currently no bills referred to the committee. The last bill to be referred to this committee was the Transport Legislation Amendment (Ports Integration) Bill 2010.