Thursday, 21 March 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Recreational fishing


Recreational fishing

Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:19): (480) My question is for the minister representing the minister representing the Minister for Outdoor Recreation. Minister, 28 days ago, after learning with horror that the kids outside the goats cheese curtain were getting outside and catching their own food, the Greens leader launched an amnesty for fishing rods. Can the minister advise, just to the nearest hundred, or maybe the nearest one, how many fishing rods have been handed back under this stunt – I mean scheme?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:20): Thank you, Mr Bourman, from the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party. I think that the Minister for Outdoor Recreation will be delighted to provide you with an answer and give you a good run-down of the positive benefits of the free fishing rod program for children. It was grade 5 – my son got one. My son got a fishing rod and has made use of it. I have got a couple of fish in my dam, and he has been out there catching them. He throws them back, but he is having a great time with his fishing rod, and I hope that many, many young people around Victoria are doing the same. But I will leave it to the minister to provide you with a comprehensive response and furnish you with a figure.

Members interjecting.

Jeff Bourman: On a point of order, President, it was hard to hear the interruptions for what the minister was saying.

The PRESIDENT: I call the house to order. I uphold the point of order. It is funny, because while I was saying ‘I uphold the point of order’ the exact point of order Mr Bourman made everyone was breaking.

Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:21): Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Minister. At the risk of saying something nice about the government, which makes me a little uneasy, the government’s little anglers program puts essential equipment in the hands of grade 5 kids. It opens a world to kids of all circumstances and backgrounds to join an activity that builds resilience and initiative as well as having clear physical and mental health benefits, for all you inner-suburban people. I believe the little anglers program is a great program and that fishing is awesome. Will the government continue to fund this, making sure that regional kids get their fair go and that it keeps annoying the Greens and the AJP?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:22): I will pass Mr Bourman’s supplementary question on to Minister Dimopoulos.