Wednesday, 21 September 2022
Members statements
Ms MAXWELL (Northern Victoria) (10:47): Well, on this last sitting day of the 59th Parliament I would like to thank the residents of Northern Victoria, firstly. It has been a privilege to represent you and to have worked closely with so many of you on issues that face our communities. We have endured the pandemic, devastating bushfires, border closures and the rebuilding from the impacts of these significant events. We are working for fair, just, safe communities, and it has been an absolute privilege to be a voice for victims of crime whose rights are so often overlooked and are a lower priority. I would like to thank the President and his staff, the clerks, the table office, the Parliamentary Budget Office, the Department of Parliamentary Services, security and catering staff—particularly the catering staff; I would like to thank them for my extra kilos. I thank my team, Wendy, Jamie, Michelle, Lynette and Joel, who have worked diligently for me and my electorate. I thank Mr Grimley for being a fantastic colleague and a pleasure to work with, and I would like to thank Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party. Our parliamentary advisers Karen Rourke and Olivia Nicholls, a special shout-out to you two. You have been outstanding in your dedication, commitment and support to both Mr Grimley and me, and you have certainly allowed us to become better MPs. Finally I thank my family, because they are my rock and they are the centre of my world. It has been an honour to contribute to our democratic process, and I wish everyone well heading toward the next term of Parliament.