Tuesday, 16 May 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Federal health funding
Federal health funding
Emma KEALY (Lowan) (14:33): My question is to the Minister for Medical Research. Will Victorian children miss out on vital brain cancer treatment because the Andrews Labor government has failed to secure federal government funding for its promised $400 million proton beam therapy facility in Parkville?
Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure, Minister for Medical Research) (14:34): Once again I welcome the question as it relates to medical research here in the state of Victoria. I had the great opportunity to present to the American Chamber of Commerce yesterday about our investments in research. Of course Melbourne, Victoria, under our Andrews Labor government is one of the top three leading states when it comes to the delivery of medical research. We have many significant research institutes. We have some of the best universities in the world. We have industry. The Premier and I were recently at the sod turn for the establishment of the Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery.
Emma Kealy: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, the question was specific to the proton beam therapy facility in Parkville. I ask you to bring the minister back to the question.
The SPEAKER: Minister, I ask you to come back to the question.
Mary-Anne THOMAS: Thank you, Speaker. The member has asked me a question in relation to medical research, but I might also say it is our government that took to the people of Victoria a commitment to deliver eight additional PET scanners here in Victoria, and we will deliver, because the substance of the member’s question goes to medical technology. Indeed no government has invested more in medical technology, be that in our precinct in Parkville or of course Clayton, and the south-east of Melbourne is also –
Emma Kealy: On a point of order, Speaker, again on relevance, this question is specific to the $400 million proton beam therapy facility in Parkville. We have heard over the table that they do not recall what that project is all about. Can you please ask the minister to take the question on notice if she is unaware of what this very important facility would deliver for Victorian –
The SPEAKER: The minister was being relevant to the question, particularly based on the point of order, and I ask her to come back to answering the question.
Mary-Anne THOMAS: Again, thank you very much, Speaker, for your guidance there. Our government has a range of investments in medical technology. Indeed we are constantly talking to our healthcare services and to the research institutes about the technologies that they need. The member may not know this, but there are a range of licences that are required when making investments into significant technology such as the proton beam.
Emma KEALY (Lowan) (14:37): Why did the Andrews government fail Victorian children by not submitting a business case on time and therefore losing federal funding to South Australia?
Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure, Minister for Medical Research) (14:38): I thank the member for her supplementary question. I make the point that our government will always fight for Victoria’s fair share of funding, and indeed we are very proud of the funding that we attract, because everyone knows that Melbourne, Victoria, is the home of world-leading medical research and technology.