Wednesday, 22 February 2023
Thornhill Park, Rockbank
Thornhill Park, Rockbank
Steve McGHIE (Melton) (19:08): (54) My adjournment matter is directed to the Minister for Water in the other place regarding the wetlands at Thornhill Park in Rockbank, and the action that I seek is an update from the minister on when works will be completed. Locals in Thornhill Park have contacted me as they are concerned regarding the amenity of the wetlands and the retarding basin, and these concerns have included things like weeds, discolouration of the water, rubbish and long grass, which they are worried will attract snakes. They have also told me of the footpaths around the facility that are currently incomplete, making it particularly difficult for those families with young children and for the older residents to move around. I have been talking with residents of Thornhill Park about this issue, and they are keen to get an update on when the works at the wetlands and the retarding basin will be completed. Over the last four years this wetland has flooded – not to the point that it has driven residents out of their homes and put them at risk. Will the minister provide an update from Melbourne Water on when these important works will be completed for my electorate and the residents of Thornhill Park?