Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Traffic cameras
Traffic cameras
David LIMBRICK (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:28): (38) My question is for the minister representing the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, which I believe is Minister Shing. During the last term of Parliament there were a very large number of similar cameras installed at intersections throughout the state. My question for the minister is this: what is the brand and place of origin of those cameras?
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Equality) (12:29): Thanks, Mr Limbrick. I am just going to say that in accordance with the standing orders I am very happy to provide that question to the minister in the other place for a substantive answer.
David LIMBRICK (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:29): I thank Minister Shing for passing that on. My supplementary question is: could the minister please outline what gives them confidence in the information security of those cameras and how they are managed?
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Equality) (12:29): As indicated in the answer to the substantive question, I am very happy to refer that to my colleague in the other place for an answer in accordance with the standing orders.