Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Constituency questions
Broadmeadows electorate
Broadmeadows electorate
Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (15:02): (939) My question is for the Minister for Education, and the question I ask is: how many students in the Broadmeadows electorate have accessed the $400 school saving bonus? I am really excited about the school saving bonus, and it will make a real difference to children and families in my electorate. The cost of living is biting hard, and this will help with the cost of school uniforms, school activities and books and all the things that kids need before the end of the year; the pressures already start when we get those book lists. So I would like to ask the minister: how many students in my electorate have already benefited from the $400 school saving bonus both in the state school system and in the non-government school system? We have a high number of low-fee-paying non-government schools in Broadmeadows, and I am really glad that there are lots of families that can access that money.
Danny O’Brien: On a point of order, Speaker, on outstanding questions, I have an outstanding question to the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, question 1468, which was due on 31 August and has still not been answered.