Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Constituency questions

Morwell electorate

Morwell electorate

Martin CAMERON (Morwell) (14:59): (936) My question is for the Minister for Planning, and the question I ask is: why is there no requirement in clause 52.23 of the Latrobe planning scheme for developers to consult or at the very least notify neighbouring properties and communities about the development of rooming houses? My office has received many calls and emails from people concerned about the development of rooming houses near their homes. Under the current scheme developers are not even required to notify community about the development of rooming houses if they meet certain conditions. In the absence of clear communication, misinformation and rumours run riot, and all this does is create anxiety in the community. In one instance a rooming house is being built across the road from a playgroup, which has caused concern among parents, facilitators and local police. Minister, surely at the very least our communities have the right to be notified of a rooming house being developed. Why is there no requirement in clause 52.23 of the Latrobe planning scheme for developers to consult?