Thursday, 8 February 2024

Members statements

Apology for past care leavers

Apology for past care leavers

Ella GEORGE (Lara) (09:59): This week the Victorian government is making a formal apology to Victorian children who experienced historical abuse and neglect as children in institutional care. Before 1990, over 90,000 children were placed into institutional care. Many suffered in many ways, including various forms of abuse, such as physical, psychological, emotional and sexual. These children grew up not knowing their parents or their families. Brothers and sisters were separated, never to be reunited. Having suffered enormously, care leavers are some of the most resilient people I have met. I have learned so much from hearing firsthand from them about the hurt and pain they have endured. And their pain is still ongoing. Many care leavers that I have spoken to are still suffering as a result of the abuse they experienced.

The stories of care leavers are something that all Victorians should learn about, and the best place to do that is at the Australian Orphanage Museum in Geelong, where you can hear from a care leaver about this dark part of Victoria’s history. This museum is dedicated to documenting and exhibiting authentic social histories about the experiences of growing up in an orphanage, children’s homes, missions and other institutions, including foster care, in Australia. It will help you understand why this apology is necessary and what it means to Victorian care leavers.

I want to thank the care leavers who have generously shared their stories with me. Thank you to Billy, Pam, Janet, Terry and John, and thank you to Frank Golding and Leonie Sheedy. Thank you for all of your work advocating for care leavers. We would not be here today without you. This apology is long overdue, and it will be an honour to be present for it in the house today.