Thursday, 30 November 2023

Members statements

Bushfire preparedness


Bushfire preparedness

Daniela DE MARTINO (Monbulk) (10:11): Although the weather outside may tell a different story, the summer season is fast approaching, and across Victoria in my electorate of Monbulk this means the bushfire season is nearly upon us. Many people have moved into the hills area, so I would encourage all new residents as well as old to connect with their local CFA and, if they have not done so already, learn how to prepare their property and plan for a bushfire. Preparing properties before the season is declared and clearing debris such as leaf matter and undergrowth, which can dry out quickly and turn into tinder for fires, is vital. Please take the time to ensure your bushfire plan is ready, have your go bags packed and be clear with family and friends about the specifics of your evacuation plan. Know when to leave, where to go and how to get there safely, and remember to plan for pets, horses and other livestock too. And for those planning to travel through the beautiful Dandenong Ranges this summer, check the conditions for your destination and the areas you will pass through beforehand. Never venture into areas with a forecast catastrophic fire danger rating – please.