Thursday, 30 November 2023

Members statements

Clyde Primary School


Clyde Primary School

Jordan CRUGNALE (Bass) (10:09): A celebratory day at Clyde Primary with a massive upgrade complete – it is gold stars all round. With the Premier, Deputy Premier and Cranbourne MP, we were met by inspiring captains Dhiya, Jack, Cassidy and Aydin, who led us on an awe-filled tour, then on to the big special assembly in the big gym. Thank you, principal Michelle Mackenlay and your stellar team. To have gone through this major upgrade while running a school and classes is beyond remarkable. A big shout-out to all the students, families, builders, architects, and a collective yay to the foundation students Libby, Pragathi, Porsha, Anikya, Charlotte, Amelia, Siffat, Thomas, Dante and Flynn for sharing what they love about their school, accompanied by a visually stunning book of drawings.