
The Committee investigated the issues, barriers and opportunities within the current Victorian industrial hemp industry, comparing the current industry to other jurisdictions, looking at constraints to expanding the industry in Victoria and environmental benefits and costs of an expanded industry, how industrial hemp can be best utilised to assist Victorians in meeting emissions reduction targets, how the Victorian government could support the development and growth of that industry across Victoria, the possible introduction of an industrial hemp act to benefit the expansion of the industry and key elements for the potential development of a hemp industry plan for Victoria.

On 31 May 2023, the Legislative Council agreed to the following motion:

That the Legislative Council requires the Economy and Infrastructure Committee to inquire into, consider and report, by 15 November 2023*, on —

(1) issues, barriers and opportunities within the current Victorian industrial hemp industry;

(2) the current Victorian industrial hemp industry compared to other relevant jurisdictions;

(3) the constraints and confounders to expanding the industrial hemp industry in Victoria;

(4) the environmental benefits and costs of an expanded industrial hemp sector;

(5) how industrial hemp can be best utilised to assist Victoria in meeting emissions reduction targets;

(6) how the Victorian government could support industry development and growth across Victoria;

(7) whether the regulatory and licensing framework for hemp cultivation and hemp products may be streamlined to benefit the expansion of the industrial hemp industry, including but not limited to the introduction of a standalone industrial hemp act;

(8) key elements for the potential development of a hemp industry plan for Victoria; and

(9) any other relevant matters.

*On 3 October 2023, the reporting date was changed to 30 November 2023.

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Tabling of the report

The Chair, Georgie Purcell MLC, tabled the report in Parliament on 30 November 2023

Contact us


Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street
