Legislative Council petition #554 | presented 19 February 2025
Stop the creation of any new national parks
40,208 signatures
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the potential for the Allan Labor Government to establish more national parks in Victoria including the Central Highlands, and Gippsland regions.
In accepting the formation of three new Central West national parks, the Victorian Government has shown disregard for the interests of bush user groups who participate in traditional recreational activities, which not only contribute to rural and regional jobs but also have a positive impact on people's well-being and the natural environment. Locking up public forests increases the risk of bushfires, placing communities and the environment in greater peril. Neglecting public land leads to overgrown tracks, the proliferation of invasive weeds and feral pests, which degrade the environment and pose a threat to native flora and fauna.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council to call on the Government to not create any new nationals parks and keep state forests open to public access and traditional activities.