Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Members statements




Georgie PURCELL (Northern Victoria) (10:02): The Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses have just released their annual Deathwatch report, detailing that 151 horses were killed on Australian racetracks in the last year. That is one horse every 2.4 days, with 44 of them killed right here in Victoria. But just like with other racing codes, what we know is that the toll is actually much higher, with even more deaths in track work, training and trials, which do not have to be reported under racing rules. And then of course there are the thousands upon thousands of racehorses sent to knackeries and abattoirs when no longer useful or profitable, seen as nothing more than commodities to this brutal industry. Year after year during Spring Racing Carnival we see the industry desperately try and cling on to their social licence, with a growing number of Victorians, especially young Victorians, turning their backs on this hideous industry that is responsible for not only animal cruelty but increased gambling harm and higher rates of family violence too. It does not matter how many fake music festivals the industry puts on in an attempt to drive up dwindling crowds, the writing is on the wall. More and more Victorians are saying nup to the cup. I am proud to be one of them, and I hope that my colleagues will join me too.