Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region

Northern Metropolitan Region

Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (12:57): (723) My question is for the Minister for Environment in the other place. Some constituents of mine in the Northern Metropolitan Region, Jack and Clare, have two young children and enjoy going on hikes in our great outdoors. Last weekend they completed a day hike in the Grampians and were surprised to see a fox on the Three Peaks trail. You see, Jack and Clare were stunned to see a fox amongst the native bush, and after explaining to their children why the fox looked so out of place they did some research and they found that the weeds and pests on public land program aims at conserving native habitat and wildlife. My question from Jack and Clare is this: what other programs are being funded under the Allan Labor government to support our precious biodiversity and protect threatened species from invasive wildlife such as foxes?