Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Members statements



Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (09:56): The road to treaty has been a long time coming. For those that have followed the journey through our ancestors, elders and our own lives, it really cannot come soon enough. However, just last month those opposite walked away in a complete U-turn that was never discussed with representatives of First Peoples or the government and leaves Aboriginal communities to pick up the pieces. The opposition has been driving division and fear on this issue at every opportunity. We saw it in the referendum, we saw it when the Leader of the Opposition ripped his support for treaty away and we see it in this place today as they continue their campaign to block the road to treaty. I am reminded that you must fight for what you believe in for today and for future generations of Victorians. The road to self-determination for Aboriginal people stretches behind us, and for the course to be stronger, and for a more just future, we must – we must – have treaty. The Allan Labor government remain as committed as ever to treaty, as we were last month. For our government, reconciliation through voice, treaty and truth is core business because we know that when we walk with Victoria’s First Peoples, it means better outcomes for all Victorians.