Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: public transport

Gabrielle WILLIAMS

Ministers statements: public transport

Gabrielle WILLIAMS (Dandenong – Minister for Government Services, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Public and Active Transport) (14:28): With Victoria’s population expected to hit 10 million by 2050, the Allan Labor government are making the investments we need to keep our state moving. Since 2014 we have delivered over 20,000 new bus services and 2000 new train services, bringing us closer to a turn-up-and-go network operating every 10 minutes or less. And we are not stopping there, with hundreds more services to be delivered over the next three years, including 200 ‍services across our regional network and trains every 3 minutes through the Metro Tunnel.

It has been just over 10 months since we announced Melbourne’s new G-class tram will be stabled at the new maintenance and stabling facility in Maidstone. Consultation with accessibility groups and driver reps about the new G-class tram has now concluded, and this feedback will be taken on board as manufacturing commences, supporting up to 1900 local jobs. In fact this government’s landmark investments in rolling stock have supported up to 10,000 local jobs across our manufacturing sector and supply chain – not 10 but 10,000 jobs. We are also building 25 new X’trapolis 2.0 trains to progressively replace the old fleet along the Frankston, Craigieburn and Upfield lines. These new trains will create smoother and more comfortable and reliable journeys for passengers on those lines. These new train and tram projects will make it faster and will make it safer and easier for Victorians to get employment, to get to education opportunities and to get to the many essential services that we all need.

While those opposite might be preoccupied with their own ambition, with shoring up their numbers, on this side of the chamber we will continue to focus on building a world-class public transport system that Victorians deserve.