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Parliament thanks selfless charities
17 May 2021

The significant work of Victorian charities has been recognised at Parliament House on the first day of National Volunteer Week.
Legislative Assembly Speaker Colin Brooks and Legislative Council President Nazih Elasmar brought together charity representatives, volunteers and parliamentary staff to thank them for delivering a meals program to people in need over the past year.
That program has seen more than 1.5 million meals prepared in the Parliament House kitchens and distributed by a range of charities during the pandemic.
Organisations involved have included The Salvation Army, St Peter’s Eastern Hill Anglican Church, The Lazarus Centre, Heaven At The Hill social enterprise, the Father Bob Maguire Foundation, Melbourne City Mission, St Vincent de Paul Society and St Mary’s House of Welcome.
Among those attending the Parliament House event were Father Bob Maguire and the Salvation Army’s Major Brendan Nottle.
National Volunteer Week runs from 17 to 23 May. The 2021 theme is Recognise, Reconnect and Reimagine:
- RECOGNISE, celebrate and thank volunteers for the vital role they play in our lives
- RECONNECT to what is important by giving our time to help others and ourselves
- REIMAGINE how we better support volunteers and communities they help.