
This inquiry was completed in the 57th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800

Pursuant to section 4F of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, the Economic Development Committee is required to inquire into, consider and report on:

a) The extent and breadth of labour hire employment in Victoria, including the:

i. employment status of workers engaged by labour hire companies;
ii. use of labour hire in particular industries and/or regions; and
iii. application of industrial relations, occupational health and safety, and workers compensation legislation.

b) The consequences of the use of labour hire employment. Consideration should be given, but is not limited, to:

i. the rights and obligations of labour hire employees, labour hire agencies and/or host employers under industrial relations, occupational health and safety, and workers’ compensation legislation. Any ambiguity about the nature of rights and obligations between the three parties should also be considered;
ii. the impact on industry skills levels;
iii. contribution to the casualisation of the work force; and
iv. the extent of any such consequences

c) Recommendations based on an assessment of the above matters and including consideration of:

i. the jurisdictional limitations of Victoria’s industrial relations powers;
ii. the recommendations of the New South Wales labour hire task force and the responsibilities of the New South Wales labour hire industry council (if established);
iii. regulation in other Australian jurisdictions;
iv. impact on business; and
v. Worksafe Victoria campaigns and activities.

The Committee is required to report to Parliament by 31 December 2004.