Sir Samuel Wilson (KT)

Former Member Member of Victorian Parliament between 1861 and 1881 Born: 7 February 1832 (Ballycloughan, County Antrim, Ireland)
Died: 11 June 1895 (London, Middlesex, England)
Samuel Wilson


Western (1 June 1875 - 1 May 1881) By-election, Resigned

Wimmera (1 May 1861 - 1 August 1864)

*The start date for Members elected after 1900 is the date they were elected. The start date for pre-1900 Members is the date they were sworn in.

Committee Memberships

Member To Confer with Committee of Legislative Assembly-Payment of Members (28 September 1880 - 3 February 1883)

Member Standing Orders Committee (21 September 1880 - 3 August 1881)

Member Parliament Buildings Committee (27 July 1880 - 21 September 1880)

Member Parliament Buildings Committee (12 May 1880 - 29 June 1880)

Member Elections and Qualifications Committee (10 July 1878 - 14 July 1879)

Member Memorandum of Chief Secretary-Payments on Votes of Legislative Assembly-and under 45th Section of Constitution Act-Address to the Governor Committee (20 March 1878 - 9 February 1880)

Member Address to Her Majesty the Queen in Reply to Address from Assembly on the Crisis Committee (19 February 1878 - 9 February 1880)

Member The Crisis-Facts and Circumstances of, Etc-Address to Her Majesty the Queen Committee (23 January 1878 - 9 February 1880)

Member Laying Aside Appropriation Bill-Address to the Governor Committee (9 January 1878 - 9 February 1880)

Member Goulburn Valley Railway Bill-Gippsland Railway Construction Bill-Message from Legislative Assembly-Committee to Confer (19 December 1877 - 9 February 1880)

Member Message from Legislative Assembly-Railway Construction Bill Amendments-Committee to Prepare Reply to Statement on Subject of Their Alleged Privileges (13 November 1877 - 9 February 1880)

Member Mining on Private Property Bill Committee (23 October 1877 - 9 February 1880)

Member Address-In-Reply to Governor's Speech Committee (26 June 1877 - 9 July 1878)

Member Riverine Districts Trade Committee (1 May 1863 - 25 August 1864)

Member Cattle Traffic, Victorian Railways Committee (1 April 1863 - 25 August 1864)

Member Aborigines Committee (20 February 1863 - 25 August 1864)

Images of former members may be subject to copyright.

Research is ongoing to ensure the accuracy of former member information.

Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.


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