
This inquiry was completed in the 55th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


That pursuant to the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee be required to inquire into and report t Parliament on the use of amphetamines and 'party drugs' in Victoria.  In particular, the Committee is required to:

  • examine the nature, extent and culture of amphetamines and 'party drug' use;
  • determine the emographic profile of users;
  • examine the short and long term consequences of amphetamine and 'party drug' use;
  • examine the relationship of amphetamine and 'party drug' use to other forms of licit and illicit substance user;
  • review the adequacy of existing strategies for dealing with amphetamine and 'party drug' use;
  • consider best practice strategies to address the issue of amphetamine and 'party drug' use, including regulatory, law enforcement, education and treatment responses;
  • examine national and international legislation, reports and materials relevant to the issue.
  • and report to Parliament by 31 December 2003.