
This inquiry was completed in the 57th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


The following reference was made by the Legislative Assembly on 10 February 2011:


The Parliament of Victoria has referred to the Education and Training Committee a reference for inquiry consideration and report no later than 31 January 2012* on the education of gifted and talented students and the Committee is asked to consider:

(a)    the effectiveness of current policies and programs for gifted and talented students, with particular consideration of, but not limited to:

        (i)    identification of gifted and talented students;
        (ii)   equity of access to quality educational choices for gifted and talented students and their families; and
        (iii)  impact on the learning, development and wellbeing of gifted and talented students;

(b)     the scope, coverage and effectiveness of current policies and programs for students from both metropolitan and regional school 
         communities, school leaders, teachers and parents and carers to support gifted and talented students;

(c)     opportunities and strategies for enhancing support for gifted and talented students, their parents and carers, teachers and
         school leaders; and

(d)    opportunities for improved educational offerings for gifted and talented students through collaboration across all school sectors
        and with community, business and industry.


*The reporting date has been extended to 30 June 2012 by the Legislative Assembly on 7 December 2011